

Party A consign Party B to deal with the following affairs, Party A will pay additional fees to Party B, the price standard will be RMB 5000 Yuan every case.fnf红一点

a) 甲方涉及诉讼或者仲裁委托乙方出庭代理的,包括一审起诉或应诉,二审上诉或应诉,再审申请或再审应诉,国内仲裁与国际仲裁,判决或裁决的申请执行,提起执行异议,申请国家赔偿等;fnf红一点

If Party A has lawsuit or arbitration need to entrust Party B to on behalf of party A on court, including the first instance infringement or defense, second instance infringement or defense, Retrial appeal or defend. Domestic arbitration or international arbitration, appeal executing of sentence or arbitration, promote execution dispute. Apply national compensation etc.  fnf红一点


Party A involves in labor disputes, entrust party B to reconcile by means of litigating method, the fee can be waived.fnf红一点

第三条 服务方式fnf红一点

Article three service methodfnf红一点

3.1 甲方获得或者乙方提供法律服务的方式或途径包括:fnf红一点

3.1 The ways and methods Party A got legal service from Party B:fnf红一点

a) 电话咨询;Phone consultation;fnf红一点

b) 面见商谈;Interview;fnf红一点

c) 专题会议;Special topic meetings;fnf红一点

d) 书面意见;Written comments;fnf红一点

e) 法律讲座;Legal seminar;fnf红一点

f) 参与谈判;Participate in negotiation;fnf红一点

g) 出庭诉讼;Appear in court to litigate;fnf红一点

h) 庭外协调;Out of court settlement;fnf红一点

i) 代为交涉;Represent to deal with;fnf红一点

j) 其它方式. Other methods.fnf红一点

第四条 保密义务fnf红一点

Article four Confidentiality obligationsfnf红一点

4.1 任何一方在履行本合约过程中所获得的与另一方有关的任何信息、合同、资料、专业意见或其它商业秘密,非经授权或同意,不得以任何方式向第三方及双方各自无关人员传递泄露,否则,按本合约第七条承担违约责任;fnf红一点

Except authorized or agreed on, neither party shall disclose to any third Party or irrespective persons in either party any information about other party, contract, document, professional suggestions or other business secrets gained during the execution of the agreements. fnf红一点

4.2  前项所列保密义务不因本合约的终止、解除、变更或废止而免除。fnf红一点

The above mentioned confidentiality obligation will not be waived after the termination, expiration, amend or revoke of the agreement.fnf红一点

第五条 责任担保fnf红一点

Article five Warrantiesfnf红一点

5.1 甲方保证,其向乙方提供的文件、资料及事实真实、完整与全面,力免误导与失实;否则,甲方应自行承担相应的法律后果及经济损失。fnf红一点

Party A warrants that, all files, documents, affairs are complete and in accordance with the fact, avoid misleading or inconsistent with the facts; Or the party A will bear the corresponding legal result and economic loss by itself.fnf红一点

5.2 乙方保证,其向甲方提供的专业意见合法、准确,并保证所提供的专业服务符合律师行业一般公认业务准则与专业操守;否则,应就甲方所受到的损失承担赔偿责任。fnf红一点

Party B warrants, the professional suggestion provided by party B is legal and correct, and assure the professional service provided is in accordance with the recognized business rules and professional guidelines of lawyer industry, otherwise, Party B will bear the compensating obligation for the loss of Party A.fnf红一点

第六条 顾问费用fnf红一点

Article six Counseling pricefnf红一点

6.1 合约期(壹年)的法律顾问费共人民币50,000元,甲方于本合约签订后3日内支付给乙方。乙方的收款账户为:fnf红一点

The total legal counseling price of the agreement (One year) is RMB 80,000 Yuan, the party A will Pay Party B within 3 days after the agreement signed by both parties. The bank account of party B is:fnf红一点




Account name:fnf红一点


Account number:fnf红一点



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